ECBN entwickelt sich weiter: Aus dem European Creative Business Network wird die European Federation for the Creative Economy. Das Bündnis verbindet seit 2011 europaweit rund 170 führende Unterstützungseinrichtungen der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaftsbranche: lokal, regional und national.

“The European Creative Business Network, founded 2011, is laying the ground to support the #CCSI in optimal transitions in next 25 years by transitioning itself: Toward the European Federation for the Creative Economy – the very first cross-disciplinary advocacy body for #creativity as a game changing driver for #skills, jobs, companies and a #sustainable growth in #Europe.”

Bernd Fesel, ECBN director

Am 09. Mai 2022 präsentierte ECBN-Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Henning Berthold von bayernkreativ auf der Generalversammlung und Mitgliederforum in Graz den neuen Bund sowie seine wichtigsten Leitgrundsätze und Arbeitslinien.

„Kreativität ist eine Schlüsselressource unserer Wirtschaft und Europa ein kreatives Kraftzentrum. Die neue European Federation for Creative Economy wird sich für ihre Kultur- und Kreativschaffenden als Haupttreiber der Wertschöpfung – sowohl im ökonomischen als auch weiteren Sinne  – und transformative Kraft bei der Verwirklichung eines integrativeren, nachhaltigeren und zukunftsweisenden Europas einsetzen..“

Dr. Henning Berthold/Bayerisches Zentrum für Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft

© by Lisa Reitinger & ECBNetwork

The new Federation is the evolution of the European Creative Business Network (ECBN), which brings together 174 industry defining agencies and intermediaries for creative industries in 44 countries and 130 cities and regions.

Since 2011, ECBN has advocated for the interests of growing and successful cultural and creative sectors which support the European Institutions to reach high aims for innovation and growth, acknowledging the diversity of cultural expressions as well as of cultural and creative markets across Europe. The change into a Federation marks a new era for its committed members to keep serving the sector with renewed forces before new and ever-evolving challenges.

The new Federation, as well as its main guiding principles and working lines, were presented to ECBN members by Dr. Henning Berthold – Bayern Innovativ and ECBN Board member – at the General Assembly and Members Forum hold in a hybrid from (online and in Graz). In the words of Dr. Berthold,

Creativity is the vanguard of our economy, and Europe a creative powerhouse. The new European Federation for Creative Economy will champion its cultural and creative professionals as key driver of value creation – be it economic or otherwise – and a transformative force in the realisation of a more inclusive, sustainable and optimistic Europe.”

Dr. Henning Berthold/Bayerisches Zentrum für Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft